Acton Cares

Jesus said

“This is my commandment: Love one another, just as I have loved you.

We are a family at Acton Methodist Church, a family who understands that The Church is God’s idea; Christ is the head; We follow the leader. Because we take this command seriously we offer care and support for all aspects of life through our Acton Care Ministries.

Click HERE for more information on independent or assisted living.

If you are in need of care or would like more information on how to get involved, contact the church at (817) 326 4242.


Stephen Ministry

In Scripture, Act 6 tells the story of St. Stephen, the first lay person chosen and commissioned by the apostles to provide caring ministry to those in need. Stephen Ministry is named in his memory.

Acton Methodist Church is a Stephen Ministry Congregation; believing in the ability of our laity to walk alongside each other as spiritual friends. Our trained Stephen Ministers are available to anyone experience a wide range of needs including; parenting, illness, loss, divorce, and many others.

Stephen Ministers do not replace the ministry of the pastor. Instead, their ministry is in addition to that care, helping the entire congregation grow as a warm and nurturing community.

Stitching Angels

This faithful group of ladies knit and crochet fiber crafts such as prayer shawls, blankets, hats, and more for those in need of something tangible to hold onto or warp up in during their time of need. All levels of expertise, from beginner to expert, are welcome.

The Stitching Angels meet every Monday at 1:30 in the Parlor.

For more information please call (817) 326-4242 or email evelyn Guerin at